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Winning His Spurs - A Tale of the Crusades by G. A. (George Alfred) Henty
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around them; while last, but by no means least, the maidens and good
wives of the neighbourhood, fond then as now of brave men and gay
dresses, thronged the streets of the camp, and joined in, and were the
cause of, merry laughter and jest.

Here and there, a little apart from the main stream of traffic, the
minstrels would take up their position, and playing a gay air, the
soldier lads and lasses would fall to and foot it merrily to the strains.
Sometimes there would be a break in the gaiety, and loud shouts, and
perhaps fierce oaths, would rise. Then the maidens would fly like
startled fawns, and men hasten to the spot; though the quarrel might be
purely a private one, yet should it happen between the retainers of two
nobles, the friends of each would be sure to strike in, and serious frays
would arise before the marshal of the camp with his posse could arrive to
interfere. Sometimes indeed these quarrels became so serious and
desperate that alliances were broken up and great intentions frustrated
by the quarrels of the soldiery.

Here and there, on elevated platforms, or even on the top of a pile of
tubs, were friars occupied in haranguing the soldiers, and in inspiring
them with enthusiasm for the cause upon which they were embarked. The
conduct of their listeners showed easily enough the motives which had
brought them to war. Some stood with clasped hands and eager eyes
listening to the exhortations of the priests, and ready, as might be
seen from their earnest gaze, to suffer martyrdom in the cause. More,
however, stood indifferently round, or after listening to a few words
walked on with a laugh or a scoff; indeed preaching had already done all
that lay in its power. All those who could be moved by exhortations of
this kind were there, and upon the rest the discourses and sermons were
thrown away.
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