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Winning His Spurs - A Tale of the Crusades by G. A. (George Alfred) Henty
page 72 of 318 (22%)
near that his opponent was insensible.

King Richard ordered the pursuivant to lead Cuthbert to the royal

"Thou art a brave lad and a lusty," the king said, "and hast borne thee
in the fight as well as many a knight would have done. Wert thou older, I
would myself dub thee knight; and I doubt not that the occasion will yet
come when thou wilt do as good deeds upon the bodies of the Saracens as
thou hast upon that long-shanked opponent of thine. Here is a gold chain;
take it as a proof that the King of England holds that you have sustained
well the honour of his country; and mark me, if at any time you require a
boon, bring or send me that chain, and thou shall have it freely. Sir
Walter," he said, turning to the earl, "in this lad thou hast a worthy
champion, and I trust me that thou wilt give him every chance of
distinguishing himself. So soon as thou thinkst him fit for the knightly
rank I myself will administer the accolade."



After his interview with the king, Cuthbert was led to his tent amid the
hearty plaudits of the English troops.

His own comrades flocked round him; the men of the greenwood headed by
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