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The United States in the Light of Prophecy by Uriah Smith
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are not represented in prophecy; and, secondly, that the two-horned
beast finds no government to which it can apply. But the first of these
suppositions is not probable; and the second is not possible.

Chapter Two.

A Chain Of Prophecy.

We now enter upon a more particular examination of the second symbol of
Rev. 13, with a view to determine with greater certainty its
application. What is said respecting this symbol, the beast with two
horns like a lamb, is not an isolated and independent prophecy, but is
connected with what precedes; and the symbol itself is but one of a
series. It is proper therefore to briefly examine the preceding symbols,
since if we are able to make a satisfactory application of them, it will
guide us in the interpretation of this.

The line of prophecy of which this forms a part commences with Rev. 12.
The book of Revelation is evidently not a consecutive prophecy of events
to transpire from the beginning to the close of the gospel dispensation,
but is composed of a series of prophetic lines, each taking up its own
class of events, and tracing them through from the days of the prophet
to the end of time. And when one line of prophecy is completed, another
is taken up. That a new series of prophetic events is introduced in Rev.
12, is evident; since in the preceding chapter a line of prophecy is
completed, bringing us down to the great day of God's wrath, the
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