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Thirty Years in the Itinerancy by Wesson Gage Miller
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Providential Intervention.--Nature and Providence alike Mysterious.--An
Unseen Hand shaping Human Events.--The Author urged to enter the
Ministry.--Shrinks from the Responsibility.--Flies to Modern
Tarshish.--Heads for Iowa.--Gets Stuck in the Mud.--Smitten by a
Northern Gale.--Turns Aside to see the Eldorado.--Finds Himself Face to
Face with the Itinerancy.


The Young Itinerant.--In a Lumber Mill at Waupun.--The Surprise.--An
Interval of Reflection.--A Graceful Surrender.--The Outfit minus the
Horse and Saddlebags.--.Receives Instruction.--The Final
Struggle.--Arrives at Brothertown.--Reminiscences of the Red Man.--The
Searching Scrutiny.--The Brothertown People.--The Mission.--Rev. Jesse
Halstead--Rev. H.W. Frink.


Exhorter in Charge.--The First Sabbath.--The Superb Singing.--Class and
Prayer Meetings.--A Revival.--Stockbridge Counted In.--A
Remonstrance.--Another Exhorter Found.--Decide to Hold a Great
Meeting.--The Loaves and Fishes in the Lad's Basket too Few.--Chief
Chicks.--Conversion of a Noted Character.--Quarterly Meeting at Fond du
Lac.--Licensed to Preach.--Camp Meeting at Clason's Prairie.--Camp
Meeting at Brothertown.--Church Enterprise.--Missionary
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