The Land of Deepening Shadow - Germany-at-War by D. Thomas Curtin
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page 18 of 320 (05%)
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German Empire would rise on the ruins of the British. Commercial
gain was the theme. I did not gather from the conversation that anybody but Germany would be a party to the peace. A man in close touch with things military entered at midnight. His eyes danced as he gave us new information about Antwerp. Clearly the city was doomed. I did not sleep that night. I packed. Next evening I was in Holland. I saw a big story, hired a car, picked up a _Times_ courier, and, after "fixing" things with the Dutch guards, dashed for Antwerp. The long story of a retreat with the rearguard of the Belgian Army has no place here. But there were scenes which contrasted with the boasting, confident, joyous capital I had left. Belgian horses drawing dejected families, weeping on their household goods, other families with everything they had saved bundled in a tablecloth or a handkerchief. Some had their belongings tied on a bicycle, others trundled wheel-barrows. Valuable draught dogs, harnessed, but drawing no cart, were led by their masters, while other dogs that nobody thought of just followed along. And tear-drenched faces everywhere. Back in Bergen-op-Zoom and Putten I had seen chalk writing on brick walls saying that members of certain families had gone that way and would wait in certain designated places for other members who chanced to pass. On the road, now dark, and fringed with pines, I saw a faint light flicker. A group passed, four very old women tottering after a very old man, he holding a candle before him to light the way. As I jotted down these things and handed them to my courier I thought of the happy faces back in Berlin, of jubilant crowds |