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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 146, January 21, 1914 by Various
page 3 of 63 (04%)
Mr. ARCHIBALD, a member of the Australian House of Representatives,
has calculated that the value of the property of the five million
inhabitants of the Commonwealth is £780,000,000. We cannot but think
it is a mistake to divulge the fact with so many dishonest people


_I do like your eyes_ is the latest bright thought for a Revue title.
To be followed, no doubt, by _Her nose isn't bad, is it?_ and _What's
wrong with her toes?_



_Pall Mall Gazette_.

Very careless of someone.


Reading that one of the features of the new British battleship class
will be less draught, Aunt Caroline remarked that she was glad to hear
this: she had always understood that during even half a gale it was
very easy to catch cold at sea.


Sir RUFUS ISAACS has decided to take the title of Lord READING. This
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