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Le Mort d'Arthur : Volume 2 by Thomas Malory
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he was shriven to a hermit . . . Chap. xvi.

How Sir Galahad met with Sir Launcelot and Sir Percivale, and smote
them down, and departed from them . . Chap. xvii.

How Sir Launcelot, half sleeping and half waking, saw a sick man
borne in a litter, and how he was healed by the Sangreal Chap. xviii.

How a voice spake to Sir Launcelot, and how he found his horse and
his helm borne away, and after went afoot . Chap. xix.

How Sir Launcelot was shriven, and what sorrow he made, and of
good ensamples which were shewed him . . Chap. xx.

here follow the Chapters of the Fourteenth Book

How Sir Percivale came to a recluse and asked her counsel, and how
she told him that she was his aunt . . Chap. i.

How Merlin likened the Round Table to the world, and how the
knights that should achieve the Sangreal should be known Chap. ii.

How Sir Percivale came into a monastery, where he found King Evelake,
which was an old man . . . Chap. iii.

How Sir Percivale saw many men of arms bearing a dead knight, and
how he fought against them . . . Chap. iv.

How a yeoman desired him to get again an horse, and how Sir Percivale's
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