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Le Mort d'Arthur : Volume 2 by Thomas Malory
page 24 of 727 (03%)
How Sir Launcelot behaved him at the jousts, and other men also
Chap. xxiii

How King Arthur marvelled much of the jousting in the field, and
how he rode and found Sir Launcelot . . Chap. xxiv.

How true love is likened to summer . . . Chap. xxv.

here follow the Chapters of the Nineteenth Book

How Queen Guenever rode a-Maying with certain knights of the
Round Table and clad all in green . . Chap. i.

How Sir Meliagrance took the queen and all her knights, which were
sore hurt in fighting . . . . Chap. ii.

How Sir Launcelot had word how the queen was taken, and how Sir
Meliagrance laid a bushment for Launcelot . Chap. iii.

How Sir Launcelot's horse was slain, and how Sir Launcelot rode in a
cart for to rescue the queen . . . Chap. iv.

How Sir Meliagrance required forgiveness of the queen, and how she
appeased Sir Launcelot; and other matters . Chap. v.

How Sir Launcelot came in the night to the queen and lay with her, and
how Sir Meliagrance appeached the queen of treason Chap. vi.

How Sir Launcelot answered for the queen, and waged battle against
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