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Le Mort d'Arthur : Volume 2 by Thomas Malory
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How the king had slain Amant wrongfully to-fore King Arthur, and
Sir Launcelot fetched King Mark to King Arthur . Chap. xv.

How Sir Dinadan told Sir Palomides of the battle between Sir
Launcelot and Sir Tristram . . . Chap. xvi.

How Sir Lamorak jousted with divers knights of the castle wherein
was Morgan le Fay . . . . Chap. xvii.

How Sir Palomides would have jousted for Sir Lamorak with the
knights of the castle . . . . Chap. xviii.

How Sir Lamorak jousted with Sir Palomides, and hurt him grievously
. . . . . . Chap xix.

How it was told Sir Launcelot that Dagonet chased King Mark, and
how a knight overthrew him and six knights . Chap. xx.

How King Arthur let do cry a jousts, and how Sir Lamorak came in,
and overthrew Sir Gawaine and many other . Chap. xxi.

How King Arthur made King Mark to be accorded with Sir Tristram,
and how they departed toward Cornwall . . Chap. xxii.

How Sir Percivale was made knight of King Arthur, and how a dumb
maid spake, and brought him to the Round Table Chap. xxiii.

How Sir Lamorak lay with King Lot's wife, and how Sir Gaheris slew
her which was his own mother . . . Chap. xxiv.
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