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Le Mort d'Arthur : Volume 2 by Thomas Malory
page 35 of 727 (04%)
a tree, lacking no piece of harness, save his helm lay
under his head. By the good lord, said Sir Tristram,
yonder lieth a well-faring knight; what is best to do?
Awake him, said Sir Palomides. So Sir Tristram awaked
him with the butt of his spear. And so the knight rose
up hastily and put his helm upon his head, and gat a great
spear in his hand; and without any more words he hurled
unto Sir Tristram, and smote him clean from his saddle to
the earth, and hurt him on the left side, that Sir Tristram
lay in great peril. Then he walloped farther, and fetched
his course, and came hurling upon Sir Palomides, and there
he struck him a part through the body, that he fell from
his horse to the earth. And then this strange knight left
them there, and took his way through the forest. With
this Sir Palomides and Sir Tristram were on foot, and gat
their horses again, and either asked counsel of other, what
was best to do. By my head, said Sir Tristram, I will
follow this strong knight that thus hath shamed us.
Well, said Sir Palomides, and I will repose me hereby with
a friend of mine. Beware, said Sir Tristram unto Palomides,
that ye fail not that day that ye have set with me
to do battle, for, as I deem, ye will not hold your day,
for I am much bigger than ye. As for that, said Sir
Palomides, be it as it be may, for I fear you not, for an I
be not sick nor prisoner, I will not fail you; but I have
cause to have more doubt of you that ye will not meet
with me, for ye ride after yonder strong knight. And if
ye meet with him it is an hard adventure an ever ye escape
his hands. Right so Sir Tristram and Sir Palomides
departed, and either took their ways diverse.
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