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Le Mort d'Arthur : Volume 2 by Thomas Malory
page 37 of 727 (05%)
Fair sir, said these knights, such a knight met with us to
our great damage. And first he smote down my fellow,
Sir Bleoberis, and sore wounded him because he bade me
I should not have ado with him, for why he was overstrong
for me. That strong knight took his words at
scorn, and said he said it for mockery. And then they
rode together, and so he hurt my fellow. And when he
had done so I might not for shame but I must joust with
him. And at the first course he smote me down and my
horse to the earth. And there he had almost slain me,
and from us he took his horse and departed, and in an
evil time we met with him. Fair knights, said Sir
Tristram, so he met with me, and with another knight
that hight Palomides, and he smote us both down with
one spear, and hurt us right sore. By my faith, said Sir
Gawaine, by my counsel ye shall let him pass and seek
him no further; for at the next feast of the Round Table,
upon pain of my head ye shall find him there. By my
faith, said Sir Tristram, I shall never rest till that I find
him. And then Sir Gawaine asked him his name. Then
he said: My name is Sir Tristram. And so either told
other their names, and then departed Sir Tristram and
rode his way.

And by fortune in a meadow Sir Tristram met with Sir
Kay, the Seneschal, and Sir Dinadan. What tidings with
you, said Sir Tristram, with you knights? Not good,
said these knights. Why so? said Sir Tristram; I pray
you tell me, for I ride to seek a knight. What cognisance
beareth he? said Sir Kay. He beareth, said Sir Tristram,
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