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The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas père
page 23 of 1096 (02%)
profusion over her shoulders, had large, blue, languishing eyes,
rosy lips, and hands of alabaster. She was talking with great
animation with the stranger.

"His Eminence, then, orders me--" said the lady.

"To return instantly to England, and to inform him as soon as the
duke leaves London."

"And as to my other instructions?" asked the fair traveler.

"They are contained in this box, which you will not open until
you are on the other side of the Channel."

"Very well; and you--what will you do?"

"I--I return to Paris."

"What, without chastising this insolent boy?" asked the lady.

The stranger was about to reply; but at the moment he opened his
mouth, d'Artagnan, who had heard all, precipitated himself over
the threshold of the door.

"This insolent boy chastises others," cried he; "and I hope that
this time he whom he ought to chastise will not escape him as

"Will not escape him?" replied the stranger, knitting his brow.

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