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The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas père
page 43 of 1096 (03%)
the great satisfaction of all; and while we are still gaping with
wonder at the news, you come and tell us today, 'Let us say no
more about it.'"

"Well, then, let us talk about it, since you desire it," replied
Aramis, patiently.

"This Rochefort," cried Porthos, "if I were the esquire of poor
Chalais, should pass a minute or two very uncomfortably with me."

"And you--you would pass rather a sad quarter-hour with the Red
Duke," replied Aramis.

"Oh, the Red Duke! Bravo! Bravo! The Red Duke!" cried Porthos,
clapping his hands and nodding his head. "The Red Duke is
capital. I'll circulate that saying, be assured, my dear fellow.
Who says this Aramis is not a wit? What a misfortune it is you
did not follow your first vocation; what a delicious abbe you
would have made!"

"Oh, it's only a temporary postponement," replied Aramis; "I
shall be one someday. You very well know, Porthos, that I
continue to study theology for that purpose."

"He will be one, as he says," cried Porthos; "he will be one,
sooner or later."

"Sooner." said Aramis.

"He only waits for one thing to determine him to resume his
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