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Shakespeare's play of the Merchant of Venice - Arranged for Representation at the Princess's Theatre, with Historical and Explanatory Notes by Charles Kean, F.S.A. by William Shakespeare
page 30 of 130 (23%)
[Footnote 31: _--Fall_; To let fall.]

[Footnote 32: _--and those were Jacob's_.; See Genesis xxx. 37.]

[Footnote 33: _The devil can cite scripture for his purpose_.; See St.
Matthew iv. 6.]

[Footnote 34: _O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!_; _Falsehood_,
which, as _truth_ means _honesty_, is taken here for _treachery_ and
_knavery_, does not stand for _falsehood_ in general, but for the
dishonesty now operating.--JOHNSON.]

[Footnote 35: _--and my usances:_; _Usance_ in our author's time
signified _interest of money_.]

[Footnote 36: _A breed of barren metal of his friend?_; A _breed_, that
is, interest money bred from the principal. The epithet _barren_ implies
that money is a _barren_ thing, and cannot, like corn and cattle,
multiply itself.]

[Footnote 37: _Dwell_; Continue.]

[Footnote 38: _--fearful guard_; A guard not to be trusted, but gives
cause of fear.]

[Footnote 39: _I like not fair terms_; Kind words--good language.]

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