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Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays - Rescuing the Runaways by Annie Roe Carr
page 12 of 226 (05%)

They were not hurt--

"Save in our dignity and our pompadours!" cried Laura Polk, the
red-haired girl, coming to the surface like a whale, "to blow."

"Goodness--gracious--Agnes!" ejaculated the big girl, who was known
as "Procrastination" Boggs. "What ever became of that man who got
in our way?"

Nan Sherwood had already gotten out of the drift and had hauled her
particular chum, Bess Harley, with her to the surface. Grace Mason and
Lillie Nevins were crying a little; but Nan had assured herself at a
glance that neither of the timid ones was hurt.

She now looked around, rather wildly, at Amelia Boggs' question. The fat
man had utterly disappeared. Surely the bobsled, having struck him only a
glancing blow, had not throw him completely off the earth!

Bess was looking up into the snowy tree-tops, and Laura Polk suggested
that maybe the fat man had been only an hallucination.

"Hallucination! Your grandmother's hat!" exclaimed Amelia Boggs. "If his
wasn't a solid body, there never was one!"

"What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?"
murmured Laura.

"Both must be destroyed," finished Bess. "But I see the tail of our bob,
all right."
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