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Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays - Rescuing the Runaways by Annie Roe Carr
page 15 of 226 (06%)
"Oh, I know what I'm talking about!" cried the fat man, blusteringly.

"Then you can tell it all to me, Ravell Bulson," bruskly interposed the
professor again. "Come along to my cabin and I'll fix you up. Mrs.
Gleason has arrived at the top of the hill and she will take charge of
you young ladies. I am glad none of you is hurt."

The overturned crew hauled their bobsled out of the drift. Linda Riggs
went on with her friends, dragging the _Gay Girl_.

"I'd like to hear what that fat man has to say about Sherwood's father,"
the ill-natured girl murmured to Cora Courtney, her room-mate. "I wager
he isn't any better than he ought to be."

"You don't _know_," said Cora.

"I'd like to find out. You know, I never have liked that Nan Sherwood.
She is a common little thing. And I don't believe they came honestly by
that money they brought from Scotland."

"Oh, Linda!" gasped Cora.

"Well, I don't!" declared the stubborn girl. "There is a mystery about
the Sherwoods being rich, at all. I know they were as poor as church mice
in Tillbury until Nan came here to school. I found that out from a girl
who used to live there."

"Not Bess Harley?"

"No, indeed! Bess wouldn't tell anything bad about Nan. I believe she is
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