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Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays - Rescuing the Runaways by Annie Roe Carr
page 5 of 226 (02%)
"But the professor called 'em down for it," said the fourth girl dragging
the bobsled, who was a big, good-natured looking girl with a mouthful of
big white teeth and a rather vacuous expression of countenance when she
was not speaking.

"He ought to send Linda Riggs and her friends down first," Nan Sherwood

"No, ma'am!" said Bess Harley, shrilly.

"We're here ahead of 'em all. We can go first, can't we, Professor

"Certainly, my dear," responded the professor. "Look over the sled,
Walter, and see that it is all right."

The handsome sled was almost new and there could be nothing the matter
with it, Walter was sure. Other parties of girls from the Hall, dragging
bobsleds, were appearing now. They were all the bigger girls of the
school, for the younger ones, or "primes," as they were designated, had
their own particular hill to slide on, nearer the Hall.

Dr. Beulah Prescott, principal of Lakeview Hall, believed in out-of-door
sports for her girls; but they were not allowed to indulge in coasting
or sleighing or skating or any other sport, unattended. Professor
Krenner had general oversight of the coasting on Pendragon Hill, because
he lived in a queerly furnished cabin at the foot of it and on the shore
of the lake.

He marshalled the sleds in line now and took out his watch. "Three
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