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The Lady's Album of Fancy Work for 1850 by Unknown
page 24 of 109 (22%)


_Materials--Three skeins of coarse purse silk, either a rich green, dark
blue, or cerise, according to fancy; mesh No. 12_.

For the length, you will require a foundation of 72 stitches.

_1st row_. Net plain.--

_2d row_. Net the 2d stitch, then the 1st, now net the 4th, and
afterwards the 3d; continue in this way to the end of the row.--

_3d row_. The first and every alternate stitch of last row will appear
to be twisted, into which net 1 stitch; but into 2d and every other net
2; repeat to the end of the row.--

_4th row_. Net plain, leaving the extra stitches of last row unnetted;
these 4 rows form the pattern, which must be repeated fourteen times
more; join one-third of the rows together at each side, net 2 rows round
the opening with a No. 21 mesh, draw up the ends, and finish with steel
tassels and slides.

* * * * *

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