The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 488, May 7, 1831 by Various
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page 5 of 50 (10%)
To the elucidation of the word Britannia, contained in your 486th
number, I beg to add the opinion of the same author on the subject of Albion:-- "Albion (the most ancient name of this Isle) containeth Englande and Scotlande: of the beginning (origin) of which name haue been sundrie opinios (opinions): One late feigned by him, which first prynted the Englishe Chronicle,[1] wherein is neither similitude of trouth, reasone, nor honestie: I mean the fable of the fiftie doughters of Dioclesian, kyng of Syria, where neuer any other historic maketh mencion of a kyng of Syria, so named: Also that name is Greke, and no part of the language of Syria. Moreouer the coming of theim from Syria in a shippe or boate without any marynours (mariners) thorowe (through) the sea called _Mediterraneum_, into the occean, and so finally to finde this He, and to inhabit it, * * * * is both impossible, and much reproche to this noble Realme, to ascribe hir first name and habitation, to such inuention. Another opinion is (which hath a more honeste similitude) that it was named _Albion, ab albis rupibus_, of white rockes, because that unto them, that come by sea, the bankes and rockes of this He doe appeare whyte. Of this opinion I moste mervayle (marvel), because it is written of great learned men, First, _Albion_ is no latin worde, nor hath the analogie, that is to saie, proportion or similitude of latine. For who hath founde this syllable _on_, at the ende of a latin woord. And if it should have bæn (been) so called for the whyte colour of the rockes, men would have called called it (I believe this to be a misprint) _Alba_, or _Albus_, or Album. In Italy were townes called Alba[2] and in Asia a countrey called Albania, and neither of them took their beginning of whyte rockes, or walles, as ye may read in books of geographic: nor the water of the ryuer called _Albis_, semeth any whiter than other water. But if where auncient remembraunce of the beginning |