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The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 - 700 Things for Boys to Do by Popular Mechanics Co.
page 54 of 996 (05%)
and sharp. After this is done, take a small half round file and
smooth the edges into shape and good form.

The photograph print should be quite small--less than 1/2 in.
across the face. Trim the print to a size a little larger than the
opening in the shell, and secure it in place with glue or paste.
It may be well to fill the shell with cotton. Mount the shell on a
small card with glue, or if desired, a mount of different shape
can be made of burnt woodwork.
--Contributed by C. S. Bourne, Lowell, Mass.

** Spoon Holder on a Kettle [24]

In making marmalade and jellies the ingredients must be stirred
from time to time as the cooking proceeds. After stirring, some of
the mixture always remains on the spoon. Cooks often lay the spoon
on a plate or stand it against the cooking utensil with the handle
down. Both of these methods are wasteful. The accompanying
illustration shows a device made of sheet copper to hold the spoon
so that the drippings will return to the cooking utensil. The
copper is not hard to bend and it can be shaped so that the device
can be used on any pot or kettle.
--Contributed by Edwin Marshall, Oak Park, Ill.

[Illustration: Spoon Holder]

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