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The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 - 700 Things for Boys to Do by Popular Mechanics Co.
page 63 of 996 (06%)
soldering irons or coppers. If a length of copper wire as large as
the job will permit and sufficiently long to admit being bent at
one end to form a rough handle, and filed or dressed to a point on
the other, is heated and tinned exactly as a regular copper should
be, the work will cause no trouble on account of inaccessibility.
--Contributed by E. G. Smith, Eureka Springs, Ark.

** Smoothing Paper after Erasing [29]

When an ink line is erased the roughened surface of the paper
should be smoothed or polished so as to prevent the succeeding
lines of ink from spreading. A convenient desk accessory for this
purpose can be made of a short

[Illustration: Collar Button Ends In Wood Stick]

piece of hardwood and two bone collar buttons.

File off the head of one button at A and the base from another at
B. Bore a small hole D and E in each end of the wood handle C and
fasten the button parts in the holes with glue or sealing wax. The
handle can be left the shape shown or tapered as desired. The
small end is used for smoothing small erasures and the other end
for larger surfaces.

** A Cherry Seeder [29]
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