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The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 - 700 Things for Boys to Do by Popular Mechanics Co.
page 65 of 996 (06%)
laboratories require some special kind of support on which they
can be safely placed from time to time when the chemist

[Illustration: Base Made-of Corks]

does not, for the moment, need them. These supports should not be
made of any hard material nor should they be good conductors of
heat, as such qualities would result in frequent breakage.

A French magazine suggests making the supports from the large
corks of glass jars in which crystal chemicals are usually
supplied from the dealers. The manner of making them is clearly
shown in the sketch. Each cork is cut as in Fig. 1 and placed on a
wire ring (Fig. 2) whose ends are twisted together and the last
section of cork is cut through from the inner side to the center
and thus fitted over the wire covering the twisted ends, which
binds them together. The corks in use are shown in Fig. 3.

** Rustic Window Boxes [30]

Instead of using an ordinary green-painted window box, why not
make an artistic one in which the color does not clash with the
plants contained in it but rather harmonizes with them.

Such a window box can be made by anyone having usual mechanical
ability, and will furnish more opportunities for artistic and
original design than many other articles of more complicated
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