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The Boy Allies in Great Peril by Clair W. (Clair Wallace) Hayes
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before he replied:

"Some mob, Chester; some mob."

"Looks like a real army could be recruited from this bunch," continued
the first speaker.

"Rather," agreed the other. "And unless I am mightily mistaken that is
what will be done. Most of them are soldiers anyhow, you know."

"True. I had forgotten we were in Italy, where military service is
compulsory. Then you think that Italy has at last decided to enter the

"I certainly do. The Chamber of Deputies has done its best to keep Italy
from becoming involved, but the voice of the people must be heeded sooner
or later. I believe the time has come."

"I am sure I hope so," said Chester. "Italy's army, entirely ready for
any eventuality, should turn the balance in favor of the Allies."

"And I believe it will," said Hal.

"Do you believe the announcement of a state of war between Italy and
Austria will be formally made to-day?"

"I do--and so, apparently, do the others here," and Hal swept his arm
about him in a comprehensive gesture. "Hear them shout!"

For a mighty cheer had suddenly risen upon the air. Wildly excited
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