The Title - A Comedy in Three Acts by Arnold Bennett
page 4 of 108 (03%)
page 4 of 108 (03%)
TRANTO. But you are, aren't you? JOHN. In a way, of course. But--well, don't you see what I mean? TRANTO (_sympathetically_). You mean that a schoolboy home for the hols isn't necessarily something escaped out of the Zoo. JOHN (_warming_). That's it. TRANTO. In fact, what you mean is you're really an individual very like the rest of us, subject, if I may say so, to the common desires, weaknesses and prejudices of humanity--and not a damned freak. JOHN (_brightly_). That's rather good, that is. If it's a question of the Zoo, what I say is--what price home? Now, homes _are_ extraordinary if you like--I don't know whether you've ever noticed it. School--you can understand school. But home--! Strange things happen here while I'm away. TRANTO. Yes? JOHN. It was while I was away they appointed Dad a controller. When I heard--I laughed. Dad a controller! Why, he can't even control mother. HILDEGARDE (_without looking round_). Oh yes he can. JOHN (_pretending to start back_). Stay me with flagons! (_Resuming to_ Tranto.) And _you're_ something new here since the summer holidays. |