The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights by Sir James Knowles
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page 5 of 318 (01%)
King Arthur conquers Ireland and Norway--Slays the Giant of St. Michael's Mount and conquers Gaul--King Ryence's Insolent Message--The Damsel and the Sword--The Lady of the Lake--The Adventures of Sir Balin CHAPTER V Sir Balin kills Sir Lancear--The Sullen Knight--The Knight Invisible is killed--Sir Balin smites the Dolorous Stroke, and fights with his brother Sir Balan CHAPTER VI The Marriage of King Arthur and Guinevere--The Coronation of the Queen--The Founding of the Round Table--The Quest of the White Hart--The Adventures of Sir Gawain--The Quest of the White Hound--Sir Tor kills Abellius--The Adventures of Sir Pellinore--The Death of Sir Hantzlake--Merlin saves King Arthur CHAPTER VII King Arthur and Sir Accolon of Gaul are entrapped by Sir Damas--They fight each other through Enchantment of Queen Morgan le Fay--Sir Damas is compelled to surrender all his Lands to Sir Outzlake his Brother their Rightful Owner--Queen Morgan essays to kill King Arthur with a Magic Garment--Her Damsel is compelled to wear it and is thereby burned to Cinders CHAPTER VIII |