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Dave Darrin at Vera Cruz by H. Irving (Harrie Irving) Hancock
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going out, then I can have the first hot bath, and be as long
about it as I please. Then I'll get into pajamas and ready for
bed. By that time you'll be in and we can say `good night' to
each other."

"I feel a bit mean about quitting you," Dave murmured.

"And I feel a whole lot meaner not to go out with you," Dan promptly
assured his chum. "So let's compromise; you go out and I'll stay in."

"That sounds like a very odd compromise," laughed Darrin. "On
the whole, Dan, I believe I won't go out."

"If that's the way you feel," argued Dalzell, "then I'm going
to change my mind and go out with you. I won't be the means of
keeping you from your stroll."

"But you really don't want to go out," Dave objected.

"Candidly, I don't care much about going out; I want that bath
and I'm tired. Yet in the good old cause of friendship---"

"Friendship doesn't enter in, here," Dave interposed. "Danny
boy, you stay here in the hotel and have your bath, I'll go out
and pay my very slight respects to Broadway. Doubtless, by the
time you're in pajamas, I'll be back, and with all my longing
for wandering satisfied."

"Then, if you really don't mind---"

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