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The Young Engineers in Mexico - Or, Fighting the Mine Swindlers by H. Irving (Harrie Irving) Hancock
page 2 of 227 (00%)
XIV. Next to the Telegraph Key
XV. The Job of Being an Hidalgo
XVI. Two Victims of Rosy Thoughts
XVII. The Stranger in the Tent
XVIII. Craft--Or Surrender?
XIX. The Hidalgo Plans Gratitude
XX. Two Real Signatures
XXI. The Final Touch of Tragedy
XXII. Mr. Haynes Asks a Few Questions
XXIII. The Engineer Turns
XXIV. Conclusion



Luis Montez, mine owner, stood on the broad veranda in front of
his handsome home, looking out over the country sweeping away
to the eastward.

"Gentlemen, you are in a land of golden promise," began Senor
Montez, with a smile and a bow. "I should call it more than promise.
Why not? My beloved country, Mexico, has been shipping gold
to the world ever since the days of Montezuma."

"Yes; in a mineral sense Mexico has truly a golden history," nodded
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