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True Woman, The - A Series of Discourses by Justin D. Fulton
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This book grew. Its history is very brief. The lecture entitled "Woman
_versus_ Ballot," while well received by the majority, has met with
a strong opposition from those who do not believe in the position
assigned to Woman in the Word of God. This turned the attention of
the author to the scriptural argument more and more, and resulted in
producing the impression that the effort to secure the ballot for
woman found its origin in infidelity to the Word of God and in
infidelity to woman.

In "Woman as God made Her" we saw Eve as she was brought to Adam, and
familiarized ourselves with the purposes He had in her creation, which
were chiefly embodied in the one word "_Helpmeet_." In "Woman as
a Tempter" we saw the _ideal_ woman despoiled of her glory, and
influencing the world to turn from the worship of the Creator to that
of the creature. For ages woman suffered the consequences of sin. In
Eve she lost her recognition; through Christ she regained it. The
study of the Bible has convinced the writer that the purpose of God,
in creating woman, still lives, and is to find its complete fulfilment
under the New Dispensation. We have seen that Christ--the embodiment
of all manly properties--turned his face towards and lavished his
blessings upon womanly characteristics, such as meekness, purity,
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