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The Young Captives: A Story of Judah and Babylon by Erasmus W. Jones
page 10 of 213 (04%)
countenances, and utter their plaintive moans; but let men stand erect,
with joyful countenances and merry hearts! They tell us that Jerusalem is
in danger; and they dwell with solemn emphasis on what they please to
call 'forgetfulness of God.' They tell us that the Chaldeans are about to
besiege the city, and take it! This old story will answer well to terrify
shallow brains and young children; but, with men of sense, it will
receive that silent contempt which it deserves. Let the citizens of Judah
give themselves no uneasiness on account of the silly harangues of a wild
and deluded fanatic who is a more fit subject to be confined with unruly
lunatics than to be heeded as a teller of future events. However, I would
not advise severity towards the followers of old Jeremiah. They are
rather to be pitied than blamed. As long as they keep their delusion
within their own circles, we shall let them alone; but let them be
careful that they step not too far and disturb the happiness and
enjoyment of others. Among themselves, let them talk about the 'Law of
their God,' to their hearts' content; but as for us, we know of no higher
law than the law of our king--the edicts of our grand sovereign. To him,
and him alone, we pledge our undivided fidelity. Trusting in the King of
Judah, we cheerfully go forward, and bid defiance to every foe. In
conclusion, I have only to say, Long live Jehoiakim on the throne of

"Long live Jehoiakim!" echoed throughout the assembly. The king bowed and
smiled, and Sherakim the Orator's countenance gave evidence that he
considered his efforts as crowned with success. All was again hilarity
and mirth. The wine passed freely around. Shouts of laughter rang through
the spacious hall. A strange person entered the apartment, at that end
opposite to the spot where the king sat on his golden throne. His
singular appearance arrested the attention of all present. The stranger
had passed the meridian of life. His figure was tall, his countenance
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