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The Young Captives: A Story of Judah and Babylon by Erasmus W. Jones
page 30 of 213 (14%)
we are here, O most excellent Barzello! to ask a favor for another,
which, if granted, will always live in our grateful memories: it is, that
Perreeza, our beloved sister, be permitted to accompany us to the land of
the Chaldeans."

"And how old is this young sister, of whom ye speak in such terms of

"Perreeza has but just commenced her seventeenth year."

"This request must be presented before my lord, the king. Call again at
the setting of the sun, and ye shall learn his pleasure in this matter.
Be assured that my influence shall be exerted in your behalf."

"And the prayers of thy servants shall always ascend to the God of Judah
for ten thousand blessings on the head of Barzello;" and in the most
respectful manner, they left the apartment.

· · · · · · ·

"Barzello," said the King of Babylon, in a pleasant mood, "are my chosen
captives in a ready trim for their departure?"

"All ready at the word of command, O king."

"But what thinkest thou of those brothers? Hast thou had an opportunity
of testing their merits?"

"The brothers and cousins, O king, have been repeatedly in my presence,
and have given me positive proof that they are youths of very superior
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