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The Young Captives: A Story of Judah and Babylon by Erasmus W. Jones
page 55 of 213 (25%)
to forget their great hurry. Come, my good friend, business is pressing;
let us be away. A good-day to the 'two beauties instead of one.'"

And the two officers hurried from the apartment, entered a chariot, and
were on their way to the appointed place.

"A charming damsel that, Barzello."

"All of that, my worthy friend."

"What are her literary attainments?"

"All that Judah's capital could bestow."

"How will she compare with the refined maids of Babylon?"

"She will compare favorably with the most polished in Chaldea."

"Verily. And the brothers?"

"All thy richest fancies could paint them."

"And yet captives of war!"

"Yea--captives of war."

"The captivity of genius must be of short duration."

The chariot halted. The two officers alighted, and without delay they
hastened to the apartments of the Hebrew youths.
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