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The Boy Allies in the Balkan Campaign - The Struggle to Save a Nation by Clair W. (Clair Wallace) Hayes
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In response to Hal's question, this huddled figure straightened itself up
long enough to make reply.

"I feel sick," came the answer in a low voice. "How long before we can
get back to earth, so that I may die peacefully?"

"Oh, I guess you won't die, Mr. Stubbs," said Hal, chuckling a bit
to himself.

He turned his eyes ahead again and gave his entire attention to guiding
the swiftly flying craft.

The first streak of dawn had appeared in the east but a few moments
before and gradually now it was growing light. High in the air, it was
very chilly and those in the aeroplane had drawn their coats closely
about them.

"Where do you suppose we are now, Hal?"

This speaker was another of the passengers in the car, Chester Crawford,
chum and bosom companion of Hal.

"Somewhere over Central Austria," replied Hal, not taking his eyes
from ahead.

"I would rather that it were over Serbia, Montenegro or Greece," said the
fourth occupant of the airship, Colonel Harry Anderson of His British
Majesty's service. "I'm beginning to get a little cramped up here. I'd
like to stretch my legs a bit."

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