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Dick Prescott's Second Year at West Point - Finding the Glory of the Soldier's Life by H. Irving (Harrie Irving) Hancock
page 2 of 232 (00%)
XVII. "A Liar and a Coward"
XVIII. The Fight in the Barracks
XIX. Mr. Dennison's Turn is Served
XX. A Discovery at the Riding Drill
XXI. Pitching for the Army Nine
XXII. Greg's Secret and Another's
XXIII. The Committee on Class Honors
XXIV. Conclusion



Leaving the road that wound by the officers' quarters at the north
end, turning on to the road that passed the hotel, a hot, somewhat
tired and rather dusty column of cadets swung along towards their
tents in the distance.

The column was under arms, as though the cadets had been engaged in
target practice or out on a reconnaissance.

The young men wore russet shoes, gray trousers and leggings, gray
flannel shirts and soft campaign hats.

Their appearance was not that of soldiers on parade, but of the
grim toilers and fighters who serve in the field.
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