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Tom Swift and His Air Scout, or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Sky by Victor [pseud.] Appleton
page 22 of 203 (10%)

Waving farewell to the pretty girl, the young aviator turned
the auto about and speeded for his home and the shops adjoining
it. His father had not been well, of late, and Tom was a bit
anxious about him.

"Mr. Damon may bother him, though he wouldn't mean to," thought
Tom. "He seemed to have his mind filled with some new idea. I
wonder if it is anything like mine? No, it couldn't be. Well,
I'll soon find out," and, putting his foot on the accelerator,
Tom sent the machine along at a pace that soon brought him within
sight of his home.

"Is father all right?" he asked Mrs. Baggert, who was out on
the front porch, as though waiting for him.

"Oh, yes, Tom, he's all right," the housekeeper answered.

"Is Mr. Damon with him ?"


"He hasn't gone home, has he?"

"No, he's around somewhere. But some one else is with your
father. Some visitors."

"Any relations?"

"No; strangers. They came to see you, and they're rather
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