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Tom Swift and His Air Scout, or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Sky by Victor [pseud.] Appleton
page 29 of 203 (14%)
rolling the words off his tongue. "Twen-ty-thou-sand-dol-lars-a-
year! Think of it!"

"I am thinking of it," said Tom Swift gently, "and I thank you
for your offer. It is, indeed, very generous. But I must give you
the same answer. I cannot accept."

"Tom!" exclaimed his aged father.

"Mr. Swift!" exclaimed the two visitors.

Tom smiled and shook his head.

"Oh, I know very well what I am saying, and what I am turning
down," he said. "But I simply cannot accept. I have other plans.
I am sorry you have had your trip for nothing," he added to the
visitors, "but, really, I must refuse."

"Is that your final answer?" asked Mr. Gale.


"Don't you want to take a day or two to think it over?" asked
the treasurer. "Don't be hasty. Remember that very few young men
can command that salary, and I may say you will find us liberal
in other ways. You would have some time to yourself."

"That is what I most need," returned Tom. "Time to myself. No,
thank you, gentlemen, I cannot accept."

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