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Young Hunters of the Lake by Ralph Bonehill
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they organize a little club of four members and go forth for a
summer vacation. They have such good times that, when Winter comes
on, they resolve to go camping again, and do so, as related in the
second volume, called "_Guns and Snowshoes_." In that story they
fall victims to a blizzard, and spend a most remarkable Christmas;
but, of course, all ends happily.

In the present story, summer is once more at hand, and again the boy
hunters venture forth, this time bound for a large lake a good many
miles from their home town. They have a jolly cruise on the water,
fall in with a very peculiar old hermit, and are molested not a
little by some rivals. They likewise follow up two bears, and are
treated to a ghost scare calculated to make anybody's hair stand on
end. What the ghost proved to be I leave the pages which follow
to reveal.

As I have said before, good hunting, especially in our eastern
states, is fast becoming a thing of the past. In some sections only
small game can be had and even then the eager hunter has to travel
many miles sometimes for a shot.

Trusting that all boys who love the woods and waters, a rod, a gun
and a restful camp will enjoy reading this volume, I remain,

Your sincere friend, Captain Ralph Bonehill.

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