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The Chums of Scranton High out for the Pennant by Donald Ferguson
page 2 of 149 (01%)
XVIII. When the Wizard Waves His Wand
XIX. Scranton High Evens Matters Up
XX. A Glorious Finish---Conclusion



"Too bad that rain had to come, and spoil our practice for today, boys!"

"Yes, and there's only one more chance for a work-out between now and
the game with Belleville on Saturday afternoon, worse luck, because
here it's Thursday."

"We need all the practice we can get, because if that O.K. fellow,
who dropped in to see us from Belleville, tells the truth, both his
club and Allandale are stronger than last year. Besides, I hear they
have each set their hearts on winning the championship of the Three
Town High School League this season."

"For one, I know I need more work at the bat. I've improved some, but
I'm not satisfied with myself yet."

"You've improved a whole lot, Owen!"

"That's right, 'Just' Smith, he's made such progress in bunting, and
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