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Rescuing the Czar - Two authentic Diaries arranged and translated by James P. Smythe
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of Mercy from the sacrificial Ikon. Nothing so quickly exposes their
abandoned fields to the tramp of hostile feet and the subjugation
of their soil. Ambitious rivalry has no better ally than unexplained

If "Rescuing the Czar" does no more than set at rest the _fable_ of
the "Romanoff Execution," it will have done its work by characterizing
the source and methods and objects of its inspiration. If it raises
the presumption of generosity in quarters generally subject to
suspicion, it will be equally praiseworthy for expelling the darkness
that has always hovered around Imperial thrones. If it does nothing
but portray the dignified composure of Russian womanhood in the
presence of unspeakable affronts, it will have justified its
publication by adding to the diadem of virtue a few more jewels to
glorify the crest of motherhood. If it performs no other service than
to place upon the pale face of tragic possibility the red-pink blush
of romantic probabilities, it will have justified its presence in the
society of the learned by the sincerity of its purpose and the candor
of its appeal to the conscience of the world.

New York, 1920.

[Footnote A: February 20, 1920]


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