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Rescuing the Czar - Two authentic Diaries arranged and translated by James P. Smythe
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palace and put the women under arrest. The pent-up Revolution at last
had burst--anarchy howled around the capital--the isolated Czar was
captive, and plotting princelings joined hands with puny lawyers to
browbeat courageous women and drive the chariot of State!

The miserable fiasco of a delirious Revolution went careering through
the giddy maze of treachery and madness until a frenzied wave of
rapine and disorder swept all the noblewomen of the Imperial household
into a barricaded fortress around which lust and inebriety held
unsated and remorseless vigil for the prize. (See Part II: Tumen.)

Among these prisoners of State were five women who realized that
the Power which had organized disorder as a feature of its military
strategy had also honeycombed the Army, the Navy and the State with
its agencies of pillage and so undermined the public conscience that
their purity and virtue, more than their jewels and fortune, became an
open challenge to the vanity of mob lust.

The younger of these women in their unsullied maidenhood looked
longingly and unsuspectingly in the direction of Siberia. They were
learning by degrees that the semblance of freedom which offered a
pathway to escape was nothing but a strategem employed by pretended
friends to entrap them into more cruel and ruthless hands. On every
side loomed the evidence of their danger. The villainous stares of
foreign interlopers, the ribald jests of guards, the furtive glances
of the envious, the scowls of the emancipated underling, the profanity
of the domineering agitator who denounced respectability and clamored
for possession of the girls,--no moment of their lives was free from
ugly threats; no retreat, save the wild jungle or the mountains,
offered any liberation from the immodest glare of cruel, licentious
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