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The Reign of Andrew Jackson by Frederic Austin Ogg
page 62 of 194 (31%)
fact, on the 9th of February, and the investigation was dropped. This
was precisely what the Jackson managers wanted. Whatever happened,
Jackson would be the gainer. "If Clay transferred his following to
Adams, the charge would gain credence with the masses; if he were not
made Secretary of State, it would be alleged that honest George Kremer
(an ardent Jacksonian) had exposed the bargain and prevented its

Was this charge of a "corrupt bargain" well founded? For a generation
every public man had views on that subject for which he was ready to
fight; mid-century and later historians came to conclusions of the
most contradictory nature. The pros and cons are too complicated to be
presented here, but certain things are fairly clear. In two elaborate
speeches Clay marshaled evidence that before leaving Kentucky he
decided to support Adams in preference to Jackson and Crawford. This
evidence did not convince the Jacksonians; but it could hardly have
been expected to do so, and nowadays it looks to be unimpeachable. It
is certain that the friends of Clay approached the Adams managers with
a view to a working agreement involving the Secretaryship of State;
but it is equally clear that the Jackson and Crawford men solicited
Clay's support "by even more unblushing offers of political reward
than those alleged against Adams." Finally it is known that Adams gave
some explicit preƫlection pledges, and that by doing so he drew some
votes; but on the subject of an alliance with Clay he is not known to
have gone further than to say to a delegation of Clay supporters that
if elected by western votes he would naturally look to the West for
much of the support which his Administration would need. At noon, on
the 9th of February, the Senate and House met in joint session to
witness the count of the electoral vote. Spectators packed the
galleries and overflowed into every available space. The first acts
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