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The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 - Historical Writings by Jonathan Swift
page 16 of 542 (02%)
the sentiments of those who were present when your History was
read; if I have mistaken in anything, I ask pardon of you and

"I am not at liberty to name those who were present, excepting
only the E---- of O----d, who has charged me to return you his
thanks for what you have said of his father.

"What I have to say from myself is, that there were persons in
the company to whose judgment I should pay entire deference. I
had no opportunity of paying any on this occasion, for I
concurred in the same opinion with them, from the bottom of my
heart, and therefore conjure you as you value your own fame as
an author, and the honour of those who were actors in the
important affairs that make the subject of your History, and as
you would preserve the liberty of your person, and enjoyment of
your fortune, you will not suffer this work to go to the press
without making some, or all the amendments proposed. I am, my
dear Dean, most sincerely and affectionately yours,


"I thank you for your kind mention of me in your letter to Lord

"I had almost forgot to tell you, you have mistaken the case of
the D---- of S----, which, in truth, was this, that his grace
appearing at court, in the chamber next to the council-chamber,
it was apprehended he would come into the cabinet-council; and
therefore the intended meeting was put off: whereas one would
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