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The Abominations of Modern Society by T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt) Talmage
page 3 of 179 (01%)

The Gun that Kicks over the Man who Shoots it off

Lies: White and Black

The Good Time Coming


* * * * *


Pride of city is natural to men, in all times, if they live or have
lived in a metropolis noted for dignity or prowess. Cæsar boasted of
his native Rome; Lycurgus of Sparta; Virgil of Andes; Demosthenes of
Athens; Archimedes of Syracuse; and Paul of Tarsus. I should suspect
a man of base-heartedness who carried about with him no feeling of
complacency in regard to the place of his residence; who gloried not
in its arts, or arms, or behavior; who looked with no exultation upon
its evidences of prosperity, its artistic embellishments, and its
scientific attainments.
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