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Anahuac : or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern by Edward Burnett Tylor
page 3 of 387 (00%)
4. The proofs of the highly probable sophistication of
the document in the Library at Paris, relative to
Mexican eclipses, have not previously been advanced
(see Appendix).

5. The notices of objects of Mexican art, &c., in the
chapter on Antiquities, and elsewhere (including
the Appendix), are for the most part new to the

6. The remarks on the connection between pure Mexican
art and that of Central America, in the chapter on
Xochicalco, are in great part new.

7. The singular native bridge at Tezcuco (page 153) is
another novelty.

The order in which places and things were visited is shewn in the
annexed Itinerary, or sketch of the journeys and excursions described.


Journey 1. Cuba. Havana. Batabano. Isles of Pines.
Nueva Gerona. Baños de Santa Fé. Back to
Havana. _Pages_ 1-14.

Journey 2. Havana. Sisal. Vera Cruz. _Pages_ 15-18.
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