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The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1 by Allan O. Hume
page 3 of 758 (00%)
It thus happens that in the cases of some of the most interesting
species, of which I had worked up all the notes into a connected
whole, nothing, or, as in the case of _Argya subrufa_, only a single
isolated note, appears in the text. It is to be greatly regretted, for
my work was imperfect enough as it was; and this 'Selection from the
Records,' that my Philistine servant saw fit to permit himself, has
rendered it a great deal more imperfect still; but neither Mr. Oates
nor myself can be justly blamed for this.

In conclusion, I have only to say that if this compilation should find
favour in any man's sight he must thank Mr. Oates for it, since not
only has he undergone the labour of arranging my materials and seeing
the whole work through the press--not only has he, I believe, added
himself considerably to those materials--but it is solely owing to him
that the work appears _at all_, as I know no one else to whom I could
have entrusted the arduous and, I fear, thankless duty that he has so
generously undertaken.


Rothney Castle, Simla,
October 19th, 1889.


Mr. Hume has sufficiently explained the circumstances under which this
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