The Silence: What It Is and How To Use It by David V. Bush
page 17 of 59 (28%)
page 17 of 59 (28%)
our tomorrow. The thinking of this generation will change the condition
of tomorrow's generation. If tomorrow's generation is going to be free from the recognition of sorrows, misfortunes, griefs, fears, pain, losses, failures, reverses, inharmony, discord, etc., it depends upon our seed sowing. Our seed sowing today should be "All is Good." All is Good in spirit. You can say that and be honest with yourself. All is perfection in spirit. All is good for us in spirit. All is good for our lives here. Spirit transcends matter. When we recognize, affirm, and continue to hold the constructive thought that All is Good in spirit, we are changing our own mental attitude, our own bodies, all matter in general--getting ready for the greater realization of the spiritual manifestation in the next generation. Therefore, for your own good here today in success, prosperity and happiness as well as in health, peace and harmony, begin to pronounce over everything in life, _All is Good_. If you have any misunderstandings, _All is Good_. If you have any losses, _All is Good_, any reverses, _All is Good_, any sorrow, _All is Good_, any inharmony, _All is Good_. In everything at all that is out of perfection you must recognize only the good. ALL IS GOOD. Sending your thought energy by repeating _All is Good_, and thinking _All is Good_, and living _All is Good_, you will actually, in this day, overcome your difficulty, and turn all of your mistakes, blunders and misfortunes into stepping stones for your own success, health and happiness. I enter the Silence this month, this day, this hour and this minute. My |