The Silence: What It Is and How To Use It by David V. Bush
page 28 of 59 (47%)
page 28 of 59 (47%)
has it now. You have only to put your mind in a condition to receive.
You do not have to beg the sun for its rays, nor God for His love. It is there for the taking. Many of us keep the sunshine of abundance out of our lives by pulling down the curtain of doubt--just as we may go into a room, pull down a shade and keep out the sun. James Russell Lowell, seventy-five years ago, told us the same story in "The Vision of Sir Launfal," when he said that "Heaven is given away and God may be had for the asking". By gratefully accepting all of the supply for your needs, you are running up the shade of positive faith and letting the sunlight of abundance in. Send out the desire for your supply to the Universal Mind and then rest--feeling that it has been acquired. Of course, the stronger you concentrate, without stress and strain (as outlined in "Practical Psychology and Sex Life," by the author, under the chapter "How to get what you want," and chapters on "Concentration"), and the more positive and courageous your concentration, the stronger will be your mental thought currents and consequently the quicker your demonstration. _Omnipotence has provided for me and mine_, I raise the shade of my faith and let in the Sunlight of Abundance. I know I do not have to beg for this, for it is mine now. When first I saw the light of day, the bountiful spirit of the Father made all preparations for my life's necessities and pleasures. They have been in the world since I was born. I now claim and accept my supply. From now on the spirit goes before me--making easy and prosperous all |