The Silence: What It Is and How To Use It by David V. Bush
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page 44 of 59 (74%)
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You will get the vibration of the campaign and the power of thousands of minds working for you and with you for your health and happiness. These silent treatments will help the sick rise above disease, overcome despair, and bring to themselves the positive healing vibration of Dr. Bush and his class. USE BLANK ON NEXT PAGE AND BOLD THE THOUGHT OF THE DEMONSTRATION YOU DESIRE--THERE IS NO FEE. GIVE IN PROPORTION AS YOU HOPE TO SECURE. "FREELY YE HAVE RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE." THE LAW OF COMPENSATION DEMONSTRATES THIS TRUTH. PLEASE USE THIS BLANK ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In order that we may mentally treat your particular case more specifically, please answer the following questions and return this blank: Date............................................................... What is the nature of your ailment?................................ |