The Silence: What It Is and How To Use It by David V. Bush
page 49 of 59 (83%)
page 49 of 59 (83%)
HOW TO DEMONSTRATE PROSPERITY Most people fail to become prosperous because they lack a definite working plan. Dr. David V. Bush has prepared a simple chart so that you may analyze your failings and conquer them. With it you may demonstrate prosperity--it will point out your weak points and show the way to actual accomplishment. Whatever your walk in life--no matter how many failures you have had--no matter how discouraged and despondent you may feel--you need this self-analysis chart right now. Send for it today. Just 25c, money order or stamps. WHY SOME PEOPLE FAIL IN VISUALIZING RULES FOR VISUALIZATION To visualize and concentrate successfully, certain definite principles underlying the laws that control the functions of the mind must be understood and applied. My experience in thousands of cases shows that failure is often due to the wrong application of these laws--to a misunderstanding of the mental processes necessary to properly focus the thought waves upon some definite desire and the urge of the conscious mind for too hasty action. |