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Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living - Some Things That All Sane People Ought to Know About Sex Nature and Sex Functioning; Its Place in the Economy of Life, Its Proper Training and Righteous Exercise by H. W. (Harland William) Long
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lights. Many of these protests should have been heard, but were not,
and only now are just beginning to be heeded. Such pioneers in the
field of proper, healthful, ethical, religious, sane daily sex living,
have been Sturgis and Malchow, who talked earnestly to an unheeding
profession of these things, and now, I have the honor to write
an introductory word to a book in this field, that is sane, wise,
practical, entirely truthful, and unspeakably necessary.

I can endorse the teachings in Dr. Long's book more fully because I
have, for nearly a quarter of a century, been holding similar views,
and dispensing similar, though perhaps less explicit, information.
I know from long observation that the teaching is wholesome and
necessary, and that the results are universally uplifting. Such
teachings improve health, prolong life, and promote virtue, adding to
the happiness and lessening the burdens of men, on the one hand; on
the other, reducing their crimes and vices. A book like this would
have proved invaluable to me on my entrance to the married state; but
had I had it, I might not have been forced to acquire the knowledge
which enables me now to state with all solemnity, that I personally
know hundreds of couples whose lives were wrecked for lack of such
knowledge, and that I more intimately know hundreds of others to
whom verbal teaching along the lines he has laid down, has brought
happiness, health and goodness.

Dr. Long advances no theories; neither do I. He has found by studying
himself and other people, a sane and salutary way of sex living, and
fearlessly has prescribed this to a limited circle for a long time. I
congratulate him for his perspicacity, temerity, and wisdom. He offers
no apology, and there is no occasion for any. He says, "All has been
set down in love, by a lover, for the sake of lovers yet to be, in the
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