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Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living - Some Things That All Sane People Ought to Know About Sex Nature and Sex Functioning; Its Place in the Economy of Life, Its Proper Training and Righteous Exercise by H. W. (Harland William) Long
page 6 of 138 (04%)

By Dr. W.F. Robie, author of "The Art of Love"

Need for facts about sex and love--Present ignorance of sex
relations--Sex information improves health, prolongs life, promotes
virtue, adds to happiness--Frank talks needed--This book describes
details of normal sex life, describes art of love, gives explicit
instructions pertaining to intimacies of sex life.


Answers problems of sex life in the delicate relations of
marriage--Most people too timid to reveal reasons for their sexual
difficulties--Knowledge in a book less embarrassing to gain--Never
before could people find facts they wanted to know most--This book
prepared especially to help husbands and wives to live wholesome sex
lives--Gives them facts all married people should know--Explains
how to use that information to make marriage a success--Especially
valuable for newlyweds if read on honeymoon--Those now married who do
not get on well together will find in this book relief from suffering
and woe.


Wrong teachings about sex--Children brought up in ignorance on sex
matters--No information given by parents, schools, churches--But
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